Yes, time is one of the great mysteries (along with others such as the beginning of the universe, consciousness, and even sleep). I'm in Space Physics, mostly tracking the solar wind and its composition. Our nearly real-time web page (http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/) displays data from our experiment on the SOHO spacecraft about an hour before the solar wind reaches the earth. Some folks (military and utility companies) may use that info to prepare in case of rare, extreme events. Other lay people just enjoy it, and a few kooks even try to use it to predict tomorrow's stock market. I enjoy trying to follow developments in cosmology and high energy physics (Higgs Boson, etc.). Here are a few blogs you might enjoy:
Sean Carrol:
Matt Strassler:
Peter Woit:
Philip Gibbs:
Lubos Motl (his posts are sometimes incomprehensible string theory, sometimes conservative social commentary (i.e., global warming), sometimes Czech music):